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Scopas Tang - Zembrasoma scopas
Japanese Swallowtail - Genicanthus melanospilos
Bellus Angelfish - Genicanthus bellus
Copperbanded Butterfly - Chelmon rostratus
Blue Mandarin - Synchiropus splendidus
Striped Sailfin Tang - Zambrasoma veliferum
Clownfish - Amphiprion percula
Red Sea Purple Tang - Zembrasoma xanthurum
Allen's Damsel - Pomacentrus alleni
Ruby Head Fairy Wrasse - Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura

Red Sea Blonde Naso - Naso lituratus
Picture taken December 1999, Nikon CoolPix 950, No Flash

Purchased: November 20th, 1999.

Pictured left is my Red Sea Blonde Naso tang. This is a very active fish constantly swimming. Even at night this fish is on the move. It's not an aggressive eater as most Naso's tend to be. This one seems to be very picky on what it will and will not eat.

Red Sea Blonde Naso - Naso lituratus
Picture taken September 2001, Nikon CoolPix 950, No Flash

The body of this fish is about 6 inches long and has two streamers on its tail that are close to 2 inches in size. In the wild this species has a maximum size of about 20 inches.

Red Sea Blonde Naso - Naso lituratus
Picture taken September 2001, Nikon CoolPix 950, No Flash

Hawaiian Naso Tangs have a black top while Red Sea / Indian Ocean ones have an orange top. Naso tangs have two sets of "scalpels" with one set pointing forward while the other set points backwards.

Update: On October 26th, 2001 I noticed a very large burn pattern on the right side of the Naso. About 50% of his skin was damaged and hanging off. It appeared that it got fatally stung by my large octobubble which he has slept next to for months. The following day he was dead.