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Phosban Reactor 150

Phosban is synthetic ferric oxide hydroxide in a granular form. There are many ways to use Phosphate absorption media such as Phosban.

The Phosban Reactor 150 kit made by Two Little Fishies, Inc. includes just about everything you need to get started except a pump and tubing to supply water. The suggest pump is a Maxijet 500. The kit does include hose clamps and value to control water flow.

Phosban Reactor 150 Installed

I did not have a Maxijet 500 handy, so I used a MaxiJet 600 and adjusted the value to reduce the flow enough.

The water flow should be slow enough that water does not tumble the media in the reactor. The media should have just a slight vibration. If the media tumbles and turns in the reactor then the media will likely break down into a fine powder and clog the sponges.

The documentation with the media suggests the fine power may be harmful or fatal to aquarium fish.

The kit includes a screw for the bottom used to level the reactor. I lost it... the Styrofoam turned out to be a perfect replacement.

Since I have room behind the tank, I found this to be the best place to mount the device. You can hang if from your tank stand, sump wall, etc. Just about any place will do as long as you can hang it level and plum.


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