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The price list below is for the cost of live "items", this covers fish, inverts, live rock, live sand, or any or odd critters. Some critters listed below started in other reef tanks of mine and then moved to my 180g tank.


Date Category Item Price Vendor
04/23/1997 Fish Percula Clown (female) $6.49 PetCo. (Brookfield, CT)
04/26/1997 Fish Percula Clown (male) $6.49 PetCo. (Brookfield, CT)
04/27/1997 Invert Corkscrew Anemone Macrodactyla doreensis $32.99 Pet Supply Warehouse
05/06/1997 Live Rock 42 lbs. - Premium Fiji Island Rock ($2.99/lb) $125.58 Flying Fish Express
08/21/1997 Invert Red Mushroom Rock Colony $50.00 Marine Life Systems
12/05/1997 Sand (2) 30lbs bags of Caribsea Aragamax $65.98 InLand Aquatics
12/05/1997 Sand 18 lbs. - CaribSea Reef sand (oolitic) $19.99 InLand Aquatics
01/05/1998 Sand 30 lbs. - live oolitic sand $60.00 InLand Aquatics
01/05/1998 Shipping Shipping & Box charages for live sand $68.50 InLand Aquatics
01/05/1998 Live Rock 25 lbs. - Tonga Branch rock $117.50 Jeff's Exotic Fish
01/09/1998 Invert Metallic Green Mushroom on Live Rock $30.00 Flying Fish Express
01/09/1998 Shipping Overnight Shipping & Box Charge of Green Mushrooms $32.85 Flying Fish Express
01/19/1998 Fish Engineer Gobie Pholidichthys leucotaenia $15.00 Flying Fish Express
01/19/1998 Invert Green Brittle Star Ophiarachna incrassata $4.00 Flying Fish Express
01/19/1998 Invert Blue Mushroom Rock $30.00 Flying Fish Express
01/19/1998 Shipping Shipping & Box Charges for Gobie, Star, Mushrooms $38.79 Flying Fish Express
03/31/1998 Live Rock 30 lbs. - Florida aquacultured rock $75.00 Tampa Bay Saltwater
03/31/1998 Sand 10 lbs. - Florida live sand $10.00 Tampa Bay Saltwater
03/31/1998 Invert (2) Serpent starsfish $12.00 Tampa Bay Saltwater
03/31/1998 Shipping Shipping & Box Charged for Tampa Bay Saltwater Order $36.13 Tampa bay Saltwater
04/27/1998 Invert Small 'Giant' Clam Tridacna derasa $40.00 Wet and Wild
04/27/1998 Invert Octobubble Coral Plerogyra sp. $35.00 Wet and Wild
06/14/1998 Fish Small Red Sea Purple Tang Zebrasoma xanthurum $99.00 Country Aquarium
07/07/1998 Fish Small Mandarin Synchiropus picturatus $10.34 PetCo. (Brookfield, CT)

Above listed items were from my existing reef tanks

Date Category Item Price Vendor
11/18/1998 Live Rock 88 lbs. - Fiji Jumbo Show Rock $233.75 Jeff's Exotic Fish
11/18/1998 Shipping Shipping for above rock (air freight) $85.00 Jeff's Exotic Fish
02/13/1999 Sand Live Sand Activator Plus $29.95 Indo-Pacific Sea Farms
02/13/1999 Invert (6) Trocus Grazers (snails) $14.95 Indo-Pacific Sea Farms
02/13/1999 Shipping Shipping for above IPSF order $24.50 Indo-Pacific Sea Farms
02/15/1999 Sand 25 lbs. - Fiji Live Sand $75.00 Premium Aquatics
02/15/1999 Invert (12) Astrea Snails $9.60 Premium Aquatics
02/15/1999 Shipping Shipping for above Premium Aquatics order $53.25 Premium Aquatics
03/12/1999 Sand Detritivore Kit $45.00 Inland Aquatics
03/12/1999 Invert (12) Mini-brittle stars $10.50 Inland Aquatics
03/12/1999 Invert Yellow Ball Sponge $15.99 Inland Aquatics
03/12/1999 Invert Red Ball Sponge $15.99 Inland Aquatics
03/12/1999 Invert Red Algae Sampler Kit $4.99 Inland Aquatics
03/12/1999 Shipping Shipping for above Inland Aquatics order $56.75 Inland Aquatics
04/03/1999 Invert Pink tipped Elegance Catalaphyllia jardinei $69.00 Wet & Wild
04/03/1999 Invert (2) Cleaner shrimp Lysmata amboinensis $31.00 Wet & Wild
04/03/1999 Fish Sailfin Tang Zambrasoma veliferum $30.00 Wet & Wild
05/06/1999 Invert 1.5" Super Grade Tridacna crocea clam $30.00 Jeff's Exotic Fish
05/06/1999 Invert (2) Cleaner shrimp Lysmata amboinensis $26.00 Jeff's Exotic Fish
05/06/1999 Invert Blue Linkia Sea Star Linkia laevigata $6.00 Jeff's Exotic Fish
05/06/1999 Invert Black sea cucumber Stichopus chloronotus $6.00 Jeff's Exotic Fish
05/06/1999 Shipping Shipping for above Jeff's Exotic Fish order $49.00 Jeff's Exotic Fish
06/04/1999 Invert SPS Coral Fragment Montipora $12.00 Premium Aquatics
06/04/1999 Invert SPS Coral Fragment Acropora micropthalama $12.00 Premium Aquatics
06/04/1999 Invert Tigertail Cucumber Holothuria impatiens $10.00 Premium Aquatics
06/04/1999 Invert 3" Ultra Grade Tridacna Maxima Clam $45.00 Premium Aquatics
06/04/1999 Invert Single Branch LPS Hammer Coral Euphyllia ancora $5.00 Premium Aquatics
06/04/1999 Shipping Shipping & Box charge for above order $28.00 Premium Aquatics
06/19/1999 Invert (20) Nassarius sp. snails $20.00 James Fox (hobbiest)
06/27/1999 Invert 7" Tridacna squamosa clam (white/black stiped) $50.00 Reefers
06/27/1999 Invert 5" Tridacna derasa clam (Green, Blue, Purple) $30.00 Reefers
09/06/1999 Live Sand 20 lbs. - Florida Keys white live sand $39.00 Paragon Aquatics
09/06/1999 Live Rock 10 lbs. - Hand picked cured Fiji Live Rock $34.20 Paragon Aquatics
09/06/1999 Invert Small Colt Coral Cladiella sp. $18.00 Paragon Aquatics
10/14/1999 Fish Red Sea Alage Blenny Salarias fasciatus $16.00 Wet & Wild
11/20/1999 Fish Res Sea Blond Naso (Naso lituratus) $80.00 Reef & Fin
11/20/1999 Fish Foxface Rabbit Fish (Lo vulpinus) $40.00 Reef & Fin
12/13/1999 Invert 16 Tiger Trocus Snails $57.00 Marine Center
12/15/1999 Invert 25 Nassarius snails (Nassarius sp.) $17.50 Premium Aquatics
12/15/1999 Invert 25 Baja Snails (Cerithium litteratum) $17.50 Premium Aquatics
12/15/1999 Invert 25 Margarita Snails (Nerita funiculata) $15.00 Premium Aquatics
12/15/1999 Invert 15 Astrea Snails $12.00 Premium Aquatics
12/15/1999 Invert 12 Tiger/Zebra Trochus Snails $27.00 Premium Aquatics
12/15/1999 Shipping Shipping & Box charge for above order. (Saturday Del.) $49.25 Premium Aquatics
01/16/2000 Invert 20 Tiger/Zebra Trochus Snails $40.00 Paragon Aquatics
01/16/2000 Sand 10 lbs. Live Sand $20.00 Paragon Aquatics
01/16/2000 Invert Pink Birdsnest Coral (Seriatopora hystrix) $25.00 Paragon Aquatics
01/16/2000 Invert Green Acropora with Blue Tips (Acropora tenuis) $25.00 Paragon Aquatics
01/16/2000 Invert Pocillopora frag (Pocillopora verrucosa) $25.00 Paragon Aquatics
02/12/2000 Invert 20 Bumble Bee Snails $20.00 Paragon Aquatics
02/12/2000 Invert 10 lbs. Hand Picked Live Rock $30.00 Paragon Aquatics
02/26/2000 Sand 10 lbs. ESV Live Sand $20.00 Wet & Wild
03/25/2000 Invert 4 Peppermint Shrimp Lysmata wurdemanni $20.00 Paragon Aquatics
03/25/2000 Invert 12 Margarita Snails $10.00 Paragon Aquatics
03/25/2000 Invert 12 Nassarius Snails $10.00 Paragon Aquatics
05/24/2000 Invert 25 Margarita Snails $18.75 Jeff's Exotic Fish
05/24/2000 Invert 25 Turbo Grazer Snails $22.50 Jeff's Exotic Fish
05/24/2000 Invert 2 Tropical Abalone Snails $31.00 Jeff's Exotic Fish
05/24/2000 Invert 25 Nassarius Snails $16.25 Jeff's Exotic Fish
05/24/2000 Invert 25 Trochus Snails $38.75 Jeff's Exotic Fish
05/24/2000 Fish Lawnmower Blenny $15.00 Jeff's Exotic Fish
05/24/2000 Shipping Shipping and box charge for above Jeff's Exotic Fish order $52.00 Jeff's Exotic Fish
06/11/2000 Fish Chevron Tang Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis $80.00 Reef & Fin
07/17/2000 Invert (5) Elysia Crispata Bryopsis eating nudibranches $21.95 Carolina Biological Supply Company
07/17/2000 Shipping Shipping and box charge for above order $5.95 Carolina Biological Supply Company
08/05/2000 Sand 5 lb. Live Sand $10.60 Reefers
08/18/2000 Sand 30 lbs Live Sand $22.00 Local Reef Keeper
08/18/2000 Invert Tiger Tail Cuke $4.00 Local Reef Keeper
10/30/2000 Invert 16 Tiger Trochus Snails $40.00 Paragon Aquatics
01/06/2001 Invert Blue Tuxedo Urchin Mespilia globulis $12.00 Reef & Fin
01/17/2001 Invert 25 Nassarius Snails $25.00 Premium Aquatics
01/17/2001 Invert 25 Margarita Snails $25.00 Premium Aquatics
01/17/2001 Invert Green Emerald Crab Mithrax sculptus $5.00 Premium Aquatics
01/27/2001 Invert Black Knobby Sae Cucumber $12.00 Reef & Fin
04/08/2001 Invert 60 Tiger Trochus Snails $120.00 Paragon Aquatics
04/08/2001 Invert Blue Tuxedo Urchin Mespilia globulis $22.00 Paragon Aquatics
07/23/2001 Invert Lawnmower Blenny $15.00 Hidden Reef
08/02/2001 Invert Blue Crocea Clam $50.00 Harbor Aquatics
08/02/2001 Shipping Shipping for above order Harbour order $30.00 Harbor Aquatics
03/02/2002 Fish Twospot Hogfish Bodianus bimaculatus $75.95 Country Critters
04/14/2002 Invert Orange Linkia seastar Linkia laevigata $31.80 Reef & Fin
11/16/2002 Fish Yellow Cleaner Goby, Gobiosoma evelynae $19.20 New York Aquaria
Total Live Stock Cost: $3,589.99


Cost Breakdown by Category

Fish: $508.46
Invert: $1,500.76
Live Rock: $616.03
Sand: $417.52
Shipping: $609.97


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